Supporting you to


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Here are some common withdrawal symptoms you may experience:

  • Feeling irritable, restless, or anxious
  • Feeling sad, tired, or groggy
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling hungry
  • Strong urges to vape

You may feel really bad. This is normal and will get better with time.


Quitting can be hard and may take a few tries before you quit for good. Every quit attempt gets you closer to quitting for good.


Quitting vaping can be easier when you:

  • Have a plan
  • Prepare in advance
  • List reasons why you want to quit

Part 4: Support

Who can you talk to and depend on for support?

Qualities to Look For:

  • Good Role Model
  • Listens
  • Encouraging
  • Patient & Caring
  • Good Role Model
  • Listens
  • Encouraging
  • Patient & Caring


Quitting can be hard and you don’t have to go through it alone.

Friends, family, co-workers and others can be there to listen, boost your mood, and distract you from using your vape.

Let them know how to help

For example, if you are feeling stressed, ask a friend to help keep you distracted.

Tell your friends you’re quitting and you might be surprised that others want to try too.

Tips to help you deal with withdrawal, cravings and triggers:

  • Drink Water
  • Deep Breaths
  • Distract Yourself
  • Text/Talk to a Friend
  • Stay Busy
  • Get Active
  • Read a Book
  • Go For a Walk
  • Chew Gum
  • Climb Stairs
  • Doodle
  • Drink Water
  • Deep Breaths
  • Distract Yourself
  • Text/Talk to a Friend
  • Stay Busy
  • Get Active
  • Read a Book
  • Go For a Walk
  • Chew Gum
  • Climb Stairs
  • Doodle

Part 5: Reward Yourself

Quitting an addiction is a BIG deal.
Reward yourself along the way even if you’ve
quit for a day, a weekend or an entire week!

What reward would encourage
you to keep quitting vaping?

e.g. treat yourself to a manicure, new game or your favourite takeout

Congratulations! You’ve made a quit plan!

Enter your email address and click the button below to have your downloadable quit plan emailed to you. Don’t worry, your email will only be used to send your quit plan! It will not be collected or used in any other way. Keep your plan close by to remind yourself of your plans whenever you need a bit of encouragement.

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